Catalina Community Garden

Hobsonville Point

Communal Gardens

Enjoy the community herb garden packed with variety, and a shared side-bed with citrus trees, berries, passionfruit, and more delicious edibles.

Garden Plots

There are 28 plots for Hobsonville Point families, groups or individuals. Plots are available by application and there may be a waiting list.


We like to catch up for workdays, holiday get togethers, and visits with gardening experts.  Check out our Facebook group for upcoming events.

Catalina Community Garden

Located on Buckley Ave in Hobsonville Point, Catalina Community Garden is a hub for meeting neighbours and socialising in a growing green space.  Hobsonville Point residents can indulge in their love of gardening, share information and resources, and meet and get to know their neighbours.

This shared garden includes 28 member plots, a community herb garden and fruit and citrus trees, and a members’ composting area.

We follow an ethos of sustainability.  Composting and organic pest control ensure a safe space for people and plants alike.

Plot Membership

28 Plots Available by Application.

The shared garden includes 28 member plots, a community herb garden and fruit and citrus trees, and a members’ composting area. Due to the number of plots available we manage membership with a Wait List, and encourage existing plot holders to share or give up their plot if they can’t find the time to maintain it for long periods of time.

Annual Plot Membership Fee costs $65. This goes towards upkeep of communal gardens, shared tools, and maintenance.  Everyone working with CCG are volunteers.

Read the Garden Guidelines and fill out an Application to go on the waiting list. 

Get Involved

As a community garden we will be looking to host more community focused events in the future.  There are a few ways to get involved with the Catalina Community Garden including becoming a member and volunteering.

Check our Community Garden Calendar for workdays and events.



We hold workdays every month where we tackle the communal spaces and any bigger projects.

Volunteers make a huge difference to the success of Catalina Community Garden.  A part of our ethos is around doing your bit to keep the community spirit alive and the gardens looking good.